Privacy policy

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD ), as well as the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD), you are informed that the person responsible for the processing of your personal data is :

Company Name: XLG Heat Transfer, S.L.

Registered office: Calle Magallanes (poligono Industrial la Estrella), 6, Molina de Segura, 30500, Murcia

Population: Murcia

C.I.F.: B-73386500

Contact telephone number: +34 868 000 085


As Data Controller, XLG Heat Transfer, S.L., hereinafter THE COMPANY, informs its users and clients of the following PRIVACY POLICY:

  • THE COMPANY, as responsible for the treatment, will request, prior to providing your personal data, your consent in relation to the Privacy Policy set forth herein, in the cases where it is necessary, THE COMPANY is also obliged to request your consent in relation to any aspect that requires prior authorization under current law and regulations.
  • All personal data provided by the interested party and collected by THE COMPANY, regardless of the means (contracts, request for information, emails or any other source) are subject to automated processing and are incorporated into the files that THE COMPANY maintains in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
  • THE COMPANY’s services and website are not directed directly at minors in accordance with Spanish legislation. By accepting the Privacy Policy of THE COMPANY, the client or user declares and guarantees his or her legal age in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.


The legal basis for the processing and collection of Personal Data is the express consent granted by the user in a free, specific, informed and unequivocal manner through a clear affirmative action such as marking a box provided for this purpose, or the requested by THE COMPANY and granted by it, and/or; the establishment of a pre-contractual or contractual relationship between THE COMPANY and the client [art. 6.1 a) and b) of the RGPD], without the withdrawal of such consent conditioning the execution of the contractual relationship where applicable.


The purpose is information and marketing, duly differentiated, as well as other activities specific to THE COMPANY. The processing of Personal Data of clients, potential clients and/or information seekers, collected through the Website: will be carried out in response to the following purposes in order to:


We remind you that you can oppose the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time, as well as reject the automated processing of the personal data collected and/or exercise the rest of your ARCO rights by sending an email to the email address or the postal address of THE COMPANY mentioned above.

  • ARCH RIGHTS. Interested parties have the right to request access to their personal data, its rectification, deletion or portability, the limitation of its processing, to oppose the processing, by sending a request, accompanied by a copy of an official identity document, to the address of THE COMPANY. . Likewise, they may file a claim with the supervisory authority.


The conservation of user and client data will last as long as their contractual relationship remains in force. Once the contractual relationship that binds the parties has ended, the information will only be kept until the expiration of the limitation period for the responsibilities in which THE COMPANY may be incurred due to its treatment and/or the company’s internal policy for the conservation of customer contact data, 5 years from the end of the order. If, on the other hand, the processing in question is based on the consent of the client or user and the client or user revokes it, in which case they will be kept until said consent is firmly revoked.

  • As an exception to all this, we will find cases in which conservation is established by legal imperative or because it is necessary to defend possible claims, within the limits of current legislation, as well as the period during which they could be legal responsibilities arise for the services provided.

During the period of conservation of the Personal Data, these will only be transferred when you expressly request it from the person responsible for THE COMPANY by the aforementioned means of communication (email or postal mail); as well as in response to your exercise of rights before the Spanish Data Protection Agency and always to accredit our obligations to said entity; or before any other public or private entity due to legal imperative in compliance with the obligations that may be contracted with the different Public Administrations, State Security Forces and Bodies and Judicial bodies.


THE COMPANY is obliged, in accordance with the law and specific regulations, not to make Personal Data public as well as to ensure its proper custody and application of all technical and organizational protection measures and systems in order to guarantee security. of the same, the non-alteration, non-access or unauthorized treatment, the loss and due destruction at the relevant time due to the exercise of their rights by the interested party or due to the expiration of the planned conservation period. Likewise, with the objective of ensuring the confidentiality of the information provided, you are informed that THE COMPANY maintains continuous supervision, control and review of its processes to guarantee the security of said information in accordance with international security standards.

  • Likewise, you are informed that when THE COMPANY is acting as data processor, it will also be subject to the obligations provided by law and regulations, and must process the data in accordance with the instructions established by the person or persons responsible for the processing. the treatments. In any case THE COMPANY is obliged not to use for purposes other than those contractually agreed with the data controller the personal data that it may have access to through the habitual exercise of its professional activity.
  • For their part, in turn, the client or user is responsible for the veracity, authenticity and accuracy of the data provided, in such a way that the presumption of good faith of THE COMPANY as owner of the website and service provider is established. If the data turns out to be false or belongs to third parties who have not consented to its delivery, THE COMPANY reserves the right to destroy it as a measure to protect the rights of the owner or owners thereof, exempting itself from the responsibility for irregularly obtaining the personal data in question.


As data processors, we have contracted the following service providers, having committed to comply with the regulatory provisions applicable to data protection, at the time of contracting:

  • digitalDot Servicios Informáticos S.L., with address at
  1. 73821019, provides WEBSITE AND EMAIL SUPPORT services.

You can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of the company at the following link:

  • Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”), provides WEB ANALYSIS services.

You can consult the privacy policy and other legal aspects of the company at the following link

  • In relation to data retention in accordance with the LSSI, THE COMPANY informs that our Data Manager mentioned above, as a data hosting service provider and by virtue of the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), retains for a maximum period of 12 months the essential information to identify the origin of the hosted data and the moment in which the provision of the service began. The retention of this data does not affect the secrecy of communications and may only be used in the framework of a criminal investigation or to safeguard public security, making it available to judges and/or courts or to the Ministry that requires it.


  • In relation to the Intellectual Property of the software to which collaborators are given access, the user must respect third-party programs made available to them by THE COMPANY, even if they are free and/or publicly available.
  • In relation to the intellectual property of the hosted content, the use contrary to intellectual property legislation of the services provided by THE COMPANY is prohibited and, in particular, of:
  • Use that is contrary to Spanish laws or that infringes the rights of third parties.
  • The publication or transmission of any content that, in the opinion of THE COMPANY, is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racial, xenophobic or defamatory.
  • Cracks, program serial numbers or any other content that violates the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  • The collection and/or use of personal data of other users without their express consent or in contravention of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of individuals. with regard to the processing of personal data and their free circulation.
  • The use of the domain’s mail server and email addresses to send unwanted mass mail.
  • The user is responsible for the laws and regulations in force and the rules that have to do with the operation of the online service, electronic commerce, copyright, maintenance of public order, as well as universal principles of Internet use.
  • The user or consumer will indemnify THE COMPANY for the expenses generated by the imputation of the latter in any cause whose responsibility was attributable to the user or consumer, including legal defense fees and expenses, even in the case of a non-final judicial decision.


The Privacy Policy of THE COMPANY may be modified in accordance with possible legislative variations by which it is affected as well as changes in the direction of THE COMPANY. In this sense, THE COMPANY will proceed to inform you of any modification that occurs in our Privacy Policy, of the possible changes in the processing of your personal data and of any modification of internal policies that are related to your personal data so that, if necessary, mandatory, proceed to grant your consent or may revoke it.