Legal notice

XLG Heat Transfer, S.L., hereafter THE COMPANY, recommends that you read the Legal Notice of this Website, which belongs to the enterprise XLG Heat Transfer, S.L., responsibly and carefully. Hereafter Conditions of Use, to fully understand the conditions that govern the browsing of the aforementioned Website.The website, hereafter the Website, is owned by XLG Heat Transfer, S.L. CIF B – 73386500, with registered office in Calle Magallanes (poligono Industrial la Estrella), 6, Molina de Segura, 30500, Murcia.THE COMPANY is committed to the criteria of clarity and transparency which is why, to clarify any doubts or to respond to any suggestions, we make the phone number +34 868 000 085 or the email address info@xlg-heattransfer.comavailable to users. Consequently, THE COMPANY makes the contents and services of the Website available, in accordance with the Conditions of Use that are established here and the personal data protection policy included herein. We inform you that the status of User is acquired by simply accessing this Website or by using it in any form, which implies the acceptance, without reservation, of these Conditions of Use. The COMPANY reserves the right to modify the aforementioned Conditions of Use at any time. Through this Website, THE COMPANY may offer Users access to the information of other companies, to products and services. This information does not bind THE COMPANY, nor does it constitute any opinions, advice or legal assessment of any kind, as it is merely a service offered for informational and general interest purposes. Any possible texts, images, audio files, graphics and any other type of content included in this Website are exclusive property of THE COMPANY or its licensors. The transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or communication to the public of any of this content, whether partially or in full, must be explicitly agreed to by THE COMPANY. The privacy and processing of the data that, on occasion, you may need to provide to access certain types of content or services will be considered authentic, true and correct, characteristics for which the User is responsible. For its part, THE COMPANY processes this data appropriately and automatically, based on its nature and purpose, in accordance with the data privacy policy. The User assumes the responsibility not to use the Website and its content improperly or illegally, as well as to provide truthful information about his or her personal data on the Website’s forms and to keep them up to date at all times, as the User is the one responsible for their accuracy and for any possible falsehoods or inaccuracies as well as for the damages and consequences that they may cause to THE COMPANY. The user will also correctly use any type of password that may be provided to him or her in order to access the services and contents of the Website. The password will be kept secret and the user will be responsible for its confidentiality and preservation. Furthermore, he or she may not transfer it to third parties, during whichever period of time when said password allows third parties access to the services and contents of the Website, explicitly exempting THE COMPANY of any responsibly if the password is used unlawfully. To access some of the services that THE COMPANY offers through its website, you must supply some personal data. In compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as foreseen in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD), we inform you that, through the filling out of these forms, your personal data will be included and processed in the files of THE COMPANY for the purpose of supplying and offering your our services, and to inform you of any updates to the Website. Likewise, we inform you that you can exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel, oppose or limit the processing of your personal data (ARCO rights) freely, by sending us an email at — or at the postal address mentioned above, providing us with a National ID and indicating which right you wish to exercise. THE COMPANY cannot guarantee continuous access, correct display, download or use of the elements and information contained in the Website as they may be disabled, hampered or interrupted by factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. Therefore, THE COMPANY cannot be held responsible for any damages or harms that the User may suffer because of disconnection or errors in the telecommunication networks and which affect the proper functioning of the service. More specifically, THE COMPANY is not responsible for the damages that may result from it, without prejudice to other motives, because of: Failures and errors in the functioning of the electronic system that are due to deficiencies, overcharges and/or malfunctions in the telecommunication routes and networks, that are outside THE COMPANY’s control. The interference, external to THE COMPANY, by harmful programs, such as computer viruses. Improper and inadequate use of the Website. THE COMPANY is exempt from all liability for the content that may be received through the data collection forms offered for the sole purpose of providing services and inquiries related to THE COMPANY. The contents included on the Website of THE COMPANY, generally only have an informational purpose. For this reason, THE COMPANY provides no guarantees with regards to this content, except to the extent that such declarations and guarantees cannot be excluded by law.